Discus Fish For Beginners

The discus fish is known as the crown jewel of the aquarium world. Why? Because these are beautiful fish that are VERY difficult to keep. This blog is a guide for the beginner discus fish enthusiast.

discus fish

What is a Discus Fish?

Discus fish are tropical fish that are in the cichlid family. They are considered one of the most beautiful tropical fish in the world. In the wild, they are found in the Amazon River basin. Discus fish do not move around a lot, and they favor the calm, root-triangle habitats of the amazon river.

At first glance, you will notice how the discus fish got it's name. It has a a laterally compressed body shape (resembling a throwing discus). The sides of the fish can contain shades and variations of patterned green, red, brown, and blue. These fish can grow to be around 10 inches.

In captivity, they require excellent to near perfect water conditions. This requires the aquarist to schedule frequent water changes, and constant water tests to make sure the quality is good. Discus fish also require higher water temperatures than most other tropical fish. Often they are housed in a discus only fish tank.

The body shape various colors, and challenge of keeping them alive and well is what makes the discus fish the king of the tropical fish world.

For more information on discus fish, Click Here