Discus Fish For Beginners

The discus fish is known as the crown jewel of the aquarium world. Why? Because these are beautiful fish that are VERY difficult to keep. This blog is a guide for the beginner discus fish enthusiast.

discus fish

Discus Fish Temperature

Discus Fish come from a tropical climate, mainly found in the Amazon. Because of this, Discus fish require a higher temperature than other tropical fish that are kept in captivity. They should be kept at a temperature between 82F - 88F. If the Discus fish are kept at a temperature below this range, they will become stressed and more susceptible to diseases. Discus Fish Temperature should be kept in mind when selecting plants and other tank mates for your tank.

To change temperature, adjust the heater’s dial in the tank. Having two heaters, instead of one in tanks just encase one does not function may be a good idea. It is best practice to have both heaters fully submerged. For a discus tank, use the best heaters and thermometers that you can afford, because if the temperature changes, these fish can get diseases and wipe out an entire tank. This is very important and should be kept in mind when doing the routine water changes on the discus fish tank.